It took a while, to get like this; true smiles and true happiness, enjoying every moment of every day, being friendly to everyone and expecting no reward. I once was sad, bitter and cold. All of my smiles were fake and followed by a feeling of empty coldness. I felt numb or no emotion even when I was surrounded by what I knew mattered most.

Even though I knew I had all I could ever need, I couldn’t help but fixate on what I didn’t have. When I thought I had enough I wanted more; once I got what I wanted, I found something else to want. No matter the goodness that was right in front of me, I was never satisfied. Constantly I waited for something that was never going to come. I hated being sad, but I was addicted to it. Yes, I wanted to get better, yet I was in love with the feeling of empty despair and sorrow that came with every day. This is confusing to understand, but trust me, it is far more complicated.
The struggles in your life are essential to shaping you into the person you need to become, but none of this matters if you fight the obstacles you are given. To find light in the uttermost darkness means working through whatever card you have been dealt the right way. Live every day as if it is your last. Make every moment with every person as if it is the last time you will ever see them. Let everyone know they are a relevant person and deserve to mean something. Be happy with what you have, make the most of it, for all you know it could be gone tomorrow.

You are who you are for a reason. You have been put on this path for a reason.

Take on the challenge of finding out “why”.
Will be back soon again!
Till than stay tunned, stay connected!😇
Love -hetvi😊


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