I’ve actually never spent a single Valentine’s Day with a guy and you know what, I think it’s going pretty well.
t's Valentine's week! Love Matters is bringing you articles about Valentine's Day all week! Wish you a happy Valentine's Day!

I’m not kidding when I say that because according to me, Valentine’s Day is way too much pressure on love and relationships. I have nothing against the holiday, for I think the idea behind it is a nice sentiment.

Certainly, we could go on about how it’s a holiday created by card companies etc. but that’s the main issue here. According to me, if you make Valentine’s Day about finding a Valentine and expressing your feelings then you’ve got too much to think about already.

Why do you need a day to summon up the courage to approach somebody anyway? You can do that any day that you choose to. If anything I’d do it on some other day than Valentine’s Day because it’s quite possible that this day the significant other could get showered with gifts and presents from other admirers. You don’t want to be beaten to the punch because that just seems unnecessary if you think about it.

You know what, I think Valentine’s Day should be about love but crucially, I think the day should be about giving yourself some love. Now it might seem narcissistic but really when do you have a day to love yourself? You can make a strong case for your birthday but usually the people that love you make that day special for you. The other holidays are hardly centered on the individual, so you aren’t exactly spoiled for choice there.

Finding someone to date is not really high on my agenda because I’ve done dates before and it’s usually around the 3rd date or so that I realize that I don’t really see a future with this person I’m dating. Looking for something more long-term is a genuine consideration but like I said earlier why put pressure on doing anything?

Ultimately, Valentine’s Day shouldn’t be as serious as people make it out to be because a day like this sounds like it can be a lot of fun. I know I had fun on Valentine’s Day and this is why I think it’s a pretty good occasion.

Do you agree that Valentine's Day should be about loving yourself? Share your thoughts in the comments section below
Happy Valentine's week!
Will be back soon again!
Till than stay tunned, stay connected😊
Love- hetvi❤


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