DAMINI"-- She was a student. She was 23. She was intelligent and beautiful. She was coming back from a date with her boyfriend in (Delhi, India) Her fault: she boarded the wrong bus. And oh yeah, SHE WAS A GIRL!!! Six men raped her one by one. And left her to die on the road. Naked. Wounded. Exposed. Devastated. What’s more?? no one even turned to look at her. No one even bothered to throw a shawl on the ill-clad, ill-fated girl. She can never lead a normal married life again. She has gone into coma five times from 16th December 2012 and died in the same month. But don’t worry, she wasn't your sister. She wasn't your daughter. But she could have been your sister and daughter also. The brutality has to stop right here guys. People who rape deserve a capital punishment for their heinous, pervert act. I VOTE FOR A CAPITAL PUNISHMENT!!! From a girl who doesn't want to face the same fate. And a girl should have the right to ask a 'Death Sentence from the Capital...